Managing Loneliness

Loneliness is like a wave that comes from nowhere, yet it's always lying dormant under the surface. Ignoring it doesn’t help as it has the power to rise and pull us under at any time. It wants to be looked at. It is desperate to be seen. To be understood. To tended to.

Loneliness has the power to trigger feelings of not belonging, that are often related to childhood. Being human means we need to feel like we belong. That we are part of something bigger. A collective. That people care about us. That we matter.

Being overly independent creates more separation and fuels the feelings of being alone and isolated. When we don’t trust that others can help us; be there when we need them; will understand what we are going through; we create strategies to not rely on others. This protection creates a barrier to the thing we want and desire most.

Ways to reduce feelings of loneliness;

🔷 Give yourselves permission to ask for what you need.
🔷 Trust that people can and want to show up for you.
🔷 Allowing yourselves to feel vulnerable.
🔷 Don’t assume there’s something wrong with you when people can’t give you what you need.
🔷 Set up boundaries and say no to people that fuel your loneliness.
🔷 Create an understanding of where these feelings came from and the truth of them.


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